Wednesday 28 December 2011

Mullaperiyar Dam (under construction)


Kerala and Tamil Nadu are locked in a dispute over the dam located in Idduki District. The dam and the river are located in Kerala, but the dam is controlled and operated by Tamil Nadu. The safety of the dam has been a matter of concern and a point of dispute between the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
While Tamil Nadu, the custodian of the structure, wants to increase the water level in the reservoir, Kerala has been insisting that it be reduced from the current 136 feet to 120 feet.
Kerala apprehends that this past-expiry date dam could crash and cause untold destruction in the state.
I am yet to visit Mullaperiyar dam, but am doing the research.
Recently visited Almatti Damwhich is a nearby dam, in November-2011, enjoy photos!!

Almatti Dam

Kerala is arguing for the construction of a new dam at Mullaperiyar in place of the existing one, which is being opposed by Tamil Nadu.

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