Internally and Externally Driven people
Just thinking on the difference between internally and externally driven people! and who is superior to the other! or is it that both qualities are needed in balancing proportion on each of us?
In my opinion, everyone in this world is supposed to be Internally driven, and that is the sole purpose of life, i.e. to find out this drive within us. But the practices like family system, competition on anything and everything, definition of success related to winning, giving away awards and appreciations to follow defined way in doing things, being in team working and group working etc, are forcing us to be externally driven and changing our behavior to support the world's present system. Do you think this will induce personal satisfaction? We can say, there will be value addition for the external world with our current day practices, but not on ourselves. In short, no fulfillment within ourselves!
On the other hand, in a society, imagine everyone is internally driven. Or imagine something like this: if we instill this practice in an organization or in a city, what can be the changes, which can happen instantly?
Answers can be like: each of them will start exploring their own idea on anything they come across and need not follow the system imposed. They will have their own style in language, daily schedule, working with tools like shapes, numbers, words and for tastes on food, dressing, and in the way of working, music, fitness, behavior and attitude!
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